Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Gasoline is n iportant liquid fuels for transportation. Due high domestic demand ofgasoline, Government of Indonesia plans to reduce the utilization of gasoline troughenergy diversification. For substitution of gasoline, there are several kind of energyalternatives such as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), gasoline derived from Coalliquefaction, and alcohol.Alcohol is a material produced from starches plant such as casava, sweet potato,corn, and sago, called by bio-ethanol. These plants commonly plant by people in allareas of Indonesia. Bio-ethanol development for vehicle fuel will reduce dependenlyon refined product that its price is currently increasing, and will support economic ofpeople in ruralarea.This paper will present production process of bio-ethanol from starch or molasses. (sumber : Indyah Nurdyastuti)

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